Ancient art research and modern collage

A drawing assignment from last term had me trawling through websites like the always excellent British Museum's galleries. I've loved the artwork from the ancient near middle east for a long time (for example, my early project The Queen of the Night). It felt like a good time to revisit. Here are some collages made from pencil sketches. The paper for the Mesopotamian monster came from a good-quality women's fashion catalogue (thank you, Gudrun) with some watercolour accents. I particularly liked the way shading came naturally from the stripes, text and dot patterns. For the slightly-bonkers Roman goddess, I pulled out all the stops – aluminium foil packaging, cut-up business cards, scraps from the hole puncher, ink splatters and various pens. She's rather magnificent in a mad sort of way.


Dry Run 2023 Friday 26th May


Fiesta Whitley Bay