Gliffy trial
Currently running a 30-day trial of gliffy, an online collaborative diagram tool. It's easy to use and looks OK, but I'm unsure of whether I can justify $5 a month for another drawing package (with Adobe CS2 already installed). The basic version is free, but it seems they're going to stick a gliffy logo on any images created once the trial is completed. Here's a test image created using the 30 day trial 'premium' version of the software. There weren't many choices for the little pictures, but they can be coloured in.
To be honest, I could probably do as well with Powerpoint & export as png, and that's already paid for. Not quite as easy but not as expensive as Visio and it irks me to contemplate laying out cash every month for something like this. Perhaps the collaborative aspect would be worth it, but my current role doesn't really call for multiple people working on a diagram.