Stained glass 13: Pattern for porthole window

This will be 52 cm diameter. It will go on the inside of the existing window, not replace it, so I wanted it to be as light and open as possible. So, no colours this time, just clear textured glass, big quartz crystals and glass blobs and cubes. The glass in the pattern doesn't really represent the glass that will go in. I'm using up glass from my stash. There's a huge piece of rescued bathroom window glass with a daisy pattern. It's got limescale deposits. I've scrubbed it twice with ecological products but may have to take sandpaper to it to get rid of it. It won't matter if it gets scratched. There's also a long piece of a textured window glass that the guys bought by mistake when the living room was being redecorated. They were going to return it! There are also plenty of small leftovers from the celtic cat project - I may use some of them in the 'freeform' area where the blobs are indicated on the pattern. Blobs are beautiful but they're tiring to foil and a lot of work to solder. You have to 'tin' each one before you start and they get hot & burn your fingers. (I've never gotten the hang of picking them up with pliers to do it. With my usual grace, I'd probably solder the plier and blob together).

The pink things represent where the crystals will go. I've never worked with crystals this large before - they are not merely big, but enormous. If they're too hard to place, I have an alternative found-object option to use instead. It's half of a pretty heart-shaped glass hairpin dish that I picked up at Oxfam. It's quite sweet -- it's made up of two nearly-identical dishes that fit together; either half can be the lid or the dish.

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Stained glass 14: Porthole window in progress


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