The Heroine’s Journey
Once upon a time I imagined a society of anthropomorphic animals called Ecks. It came out of a thought experiment about how our life might be different if we had prehensile tails. (I think it would be great — imagine having an extra hand for holding your shopping while you dig for house keys — but never mind that). Visually, the Ecks look a bit like the offspring of a lemur and a cat.
The Heroine’s Journey:
1. Happy Ecks Dancing (15 cm)
2. Greedy Corporates Destroy the Little Community (15 cm)
3. The Goddess’ Gifts (17 cm)
4.. The Heroine Victorious (15 cm)
5. Rebuilding (15 cm)
I needed another artwork for my degree show (June, 2024) to help convey the theme of modern feminist spirituality as an antidote to corporate greed. It’s been a long time since I made a comic strip. This one reuses a standard plot to combine the Ecks with my current practice of painting on glass. The images are the cartoons (drawings made in preparation for the paintings), which will be done on upcycled domestic glass plates.